Harmony Woods Retreat Center is a community and refuge for healing, connection, and transformation personally & collectively. We cultivate compassion, celebrate diversity, and nurture harmony. As a 501c3 nonprofit, we seek to create affordability and accessibility within all of our programs.
Who is Harmony Woods? Let us tell you a bit about our mission and why we were founded. We live in a world in which inequality and division abound, but we don’t believe that is our inherent nature. We believe that becoming more aware of our shared Oneness and living into that helps heal those false divisions that cause isolation, disconnection, and strife. Retreats provide a unique opportunity to connect deeply within as well as with others in an authentic way and those experiences change us and those experiences change the world we live in. Transformed people transform the world.
However, retreats are incredibly expensive and inaccessible to the majority of the population. They often lack diversity and equality and we want to change that. We don’t want to perpetuate a commodification of spirituality but allow it to be freely given and freely received. We are building a community of generosity in which those values are baked into the bones of who we are. We are allowing people to step into the gift of what generosity provides to all who participate in it, both in giving and receiving.
We all want to contribute to something greater than ourselves, we all want to be a part of authentic, caring community, but we need a place and a way to create that together and that is the gift we hope that Harmony Woods provides.
The beautiful thing about nonprofits is that they are created for and sustained by the people they serve. They survive on the goodness of the human heart, the power of our compassionate nature. Retreats cost a lot because they cost a lot to run, so retreat centers are often forced to have high prices to keep their doors open. We don’t want to fall into that trap that makes retreats out of reach of most people, just so we can survive. We believe that retreat costs can be offset by those who desire to give that experience to others. By those who want to live in and create a world not ruled by division and competition but experience the freedom and the breath of fresh air that generosity provides.
If this mission speaks to you, please join us! This type of community can’t exist without those who believe in it and want to be a part of something as special as this. We all have something to give one another, whether that is time, talent, or dollars. If you would like to share in any of those capacities, please reach out to us to see how you can get involved and become a part of making this vision a reality.
We are a baby nonprofit so we have not fully grown into the fullness of our mission yet, that takes the contribution of the community coming together to each give a little and together that becomes enough to make a big impact in someone’s life.

Testimonials from scholarship recipients
“Please share with the donors how they contributed to making an immediate difference in someone’s life, my life. I can’t begin to express what the scholarship means to me. The generosity of others enabled me to attend the Deep Peace Retreat on March 25th. I am grateful for more than the monetary value. I so greatly appreciate the compassion behind the gift. The pandemic has been challenging for us all. The retreat provided me with the knowledge and techniques I will apply throughout the rest of my life as I continue my healing journey. Please know I won’t forget everyone’s kindness. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for being so generous and thoughtful!“
“I found Harmony Woods totally by kismet and couldn’t be happier. The first retreat I attended was hosted by Christi herself and it was amazing. I have since attended more events, all of which were full of good karma, healing, happiness, wellness, metta and the best people. I have never met a community of more welcoming humans and felt so supported by virtual strangers on my own personal journey. I highly recommend Harmony Woods as a personal retreat center, a beautiful facility to host in, or for many of the amazing offerings from community gatherings to meditation and yoga”. -Erica Wegner