The Expanse is a 90-minute group experience designed to connect you with your inner spirit and the boundlessness of being. Held twice a month at Harmony Woods, sessions blend breathwork, sound healing, intuitive touch, music, movement, and meditative practices in a safe and welcoming space. Join us to process emotions, realign, and walk into your …
Come be a part of a community of men who are looking to show up in the world as the best version of themselves. We will get together once a month to unite around a specific topic. All men are welcome! We will discuss spirituality, purpose, relationships, health & wellness, and much more. We will …
Come gather around the fire with us for our monthly women's circle of laughter, song, and deep sharing as we support one another through life's journey. *By invitation only* please contact Kirsten Angell (509) 688-4122 for more information! Members use the code MEMBER to register for free. Find out more about becoming a member …
Join us for an evening of drumming! No experience needed. Come to learn or come to share songs you love. This is an informal gathering where we will just get together and make music together! Please bring your own drum or if you have extra drums to share please bring them for those who don't …