Womens Retreat: A Time to Listen with Susanne Marie
June 6 - June 11

Dates: 5 nights June 6-11, 2025
Location: Harmony Woods Retreat Center, Spokane, Washington
Special Guest: Ma Prem Zareen leading Dances of Universal Peace
Description: In this retreat, we will immerse ourselves into the art of listening. Firstly to ourselves (heart, mind, & body), opening up to receiving divine guidance and support, listening to one another thereby growing connection as a whole, as well as to the wisdom of Mother Earth and the natural world. The focus in this retreat: Going beyond words to where true intelligence lies, and aligning with Truth so that direct knowing is assessed and can live unimpeded.
This intimate retreat will fill up quickly as there is limited space. Those who live locally can just come during the days, or camping options will also be available on site, as well as a few rooms for rent as well. The main retreat building has bathrooms with showers, along with a full kitchen and main hall. Meals will be provided. Staying the night of the 11th is an option for those who would like to stay longer.
A retreat application is required to register. For more information and to register, please email Susanne directly expressing your interest.