- This event has passed.
Community Grief Retreat
October 1, 2022 - October 2, 2022
Two Day Community Grief Ritual – Spokane, WA
- October 1-2, 2022
- Saturday at 10 am – 7 pm PT, followed by a potluck & song circle at 7 – 8:30 pm PT
- Sunday at 10 am – 5 pm PT
- Location: Harmony Woods Retreat Center, Spokane, WA
- Total cost: $250
- Facilitators: Laurence Cole and Mary Hart
What to Expect:
We are offering a two day grief ritual in Spokane, WA This is an opportunity to gather and support each other in community to release grief, feel support and connection and heal our tender hearts. There are so few places in this culture where we can bring our strong emotions. Many of us yearn to unburden ourselves with others, but find ourselves alone with our grief all too often. This is a place where your tears and heart-ache are welcome. The retreat includes talking circles, singing, poetry, movement, practice in sacred listening, witnessing and being witnessed, ceremony, sharing food and quiet time in the woods. The heart of the retreat is a ceremony inspired by Sobonfu Some.
Our work is also inspired by the Five Gates of Grief from Francis Weller:
- Everything we love we will lose,
- the places that have not known love,
- the sorrows of the world,
- the things we cannot even name that we ache for, and
- intergenerational or ancestral grief.
We will lean in together and trust, surrender and open to vulnerability as we remember how to grieve in community.
Spiritual Framework
The spiritual framework for this ritual includes time-honored and earth based modalities, utilizing the power of drumming and chanting, the belief that the natural world is a rich place of inter-connection with “all our relations,” and the importance of working with the unseen realms, including our ancestors.
EXCHANGE: Ritual Fee is $250
We don’t believe in barriers to healing spaces. The cost of this ritual should not be a barrier to you if this space is calling to your soul. That being said, the cost of this ritual is so that facilitators and organizers may be resourced. We are committed to making this work accessible to a wide variety of communities; especially cash poor and working class people who are on the front lines of social movements and community work. Limited sliding scale slots and two work trade options are available.
Refund Policy:
- A full refund will be given if our COVID precautions do not feel stringent enough for you or if you feel sick at the time of the ritual. (Please stay home)
- If you cancel anytime before 1 week prior to the retreat for other reasons, we retain $50 as a “handling fee.”
- If you cancel less than a week prior to the retreat, we cannot guarantee a refund due to the low likelihood of someone from the waitlist being able to fill your spot. If we are able to fill your spot, we will offer a 50% refund minus the $50 handling fee. This policy helps to hold us all accountable and creates some protection for us as the facilitators and organizers.
COVID Protocol:
We are holding this ritual indoors and are in the process of considering what precautions we will take so this event feels safe-enough in this time of pandemic. Stay tuned for more details as we sort through the latest recommendations and make our plan.
13 participants minimum and 28 participants max
Once gathered, each participant will be at choice as to what feels good to them in terms of masking, distancing, contact, etc. Beyond testing 24 hours prior to the event, we will not be making specific requests of participants. If you are showing symptoms on the days of the ritual, please stay home.
To Register: click here.
Questions? Please email Mary (pacifichealingcircles@gmail.com).
Laurence Cole and Mary Hart have been involved in grief tending in the Pacific Northwest since 2002. Each brings unique gifts to the group.

Laurence Cole is a well-known song leader and respected elder with long involvement in grief work, men’s work, and many other aspects of healing and enlivening the human spirit. He has been co-facilitating Grief Retreats since 2009 and was blessed to have experienced this ritual with Sobonfu Some. In addition, he has been offering a ritual called “Grief Song,” at singing events for the past 5 years.
Mary Hart brings her commitment to authenticity, vulnerability and transformation to the team. She is trained in Internal Family Systems therapy, Hakomi therapy, workshop facilitation, The Wheel of Consent and is a personal coach. She has participated in many healing rituals over the years. In 2014, she was introduced to Grief Ritual and began mentoring with Therese Chavret, Tere Carraza and Laurence Cole. Since then, she has helped to create and facilitate many healing rituals. She has sought and studied with many great teachers and has been inspired by the work of Sobonfu Some, Richard Schwartz, Krishna Das, Stephen Levine, Jon Kabbat Zin, Francis Weller, and many others.
- Start:
- October 1, 2022
- End:
- October 2, 2022
- Cost:
- $250
- Event Category:
- Retreat
- Website:
- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLs43IYzwjUF69J1kWOoTptC3zg0vO8olfqE_14JK5g3icPQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
- Laurence Cole and Mary Hart
- View Organizer Website
- Harmony Woods Retreat Center
11507 S. Keeney Rd.
Spokane, WA 99224 United States + Google Map